We're all getting older. Our memories ain't what they used to be. This is where Select Phone's new feature SmartFind really comes to the rescue. You see SmartFind uses what our programmer types call "Fuzzy Logic". Fuzzy Logic helps us tip toe our way through a bunch of other possibilities whenever our initial search fails. So if your car went kaput and you wanted to call Acme Auto Repair which you believed to be in Lancaster, PA, Select Phone would inform you there is no such listing. But you know there's an Acme something or other and you desperately want to find it. Directory assistance isn't going to help. So you click on the cute little bloodhound icon in Select Phone (we call him Sherlock around the office) and pretty soon he sniffs out an "Acme Auto Parts" located in Hershey, Wow! Nothing fuzzy about that. That's sharp!